In semi-annual of 2022 & 2023 farmland will continue to be sought after

Pandemic and Post Pandemic has brought to light that investors should not sleep on agriculture and its ability to profit. Farmland all across the India has seen an increase in purchases, during 2022 and that trend will continue in 2023 as more farms are put up for sale, inflation concern rises and alternative assets are in high demand.

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One of the biggest concerns manufacturers have faced over the last year is inflation in costs and supplies in all industries. As a farmer, supplies look much different, and growing crops does not have the same impact as investing in manufacturing companies. The attraction to farmland investment is safer for investors, and they can reasonably expect a more significant return on their investment in agriculture.

Historical data  indicates that slow and steady wins the race, showing that the low prices that investors took advantage of in this farmland were worth the investment over time. Continued growth has continued to grow despite the other hits that the economy has taken over time.


Across the country and even the globe, there is continued population growth while reducing the amount of farmland. For so many decades, historic farmland has been sold to developers for suburban development and construction building, without regard for the damage it has done to the local agricultural economy. This trend continues today, but investors are looking to keep these farms in their current state instead of flipping them into subdivisions. These farms are needed and substantial for economic purposes and can be profitable throughout the fiscal year. This means that an asset of this nature will become more valuable as it becomes rarer in communities everywhere.


Owing an agricultural land has certain advantages. When you earn a certain value of money from using the land for agricultural purposes or you gain an income from selling the land, you are exempted from paying tax.  But remember this is applicable to agricultural land in rural areas, where it is not considered a capital asset.

However, the rules regarding owning an agricultural land vary from state to state. In some states, agricultural land can arbitrarily be brought by farmers while in other states, a common man can also purchase agricultural land.

Farmland itself is considered quite a stable investment and investors know exactly what they are getting at the investment time. Income from farmland can be generated through multiple means such as renting to local farmers, profits from producing crops or developing a crop, improving the property value and realizing appreciation in the future.


As savvy investors are looking for quality assets that offer stability and the potential for substantial returns, the attention on farmland is not slowing down. Getting back to the basics of land wealth and investing in acreage has enough advantages that make now the right time to move in on farmland investments. If you want to add a new asset to your portfolio, consider the benefits of farmland and how it will grow in semi-annual of 2022 & 2023. Whether you’re ready to become the sole owner of quality farmland, or are more interested in taking fractional ownership in a piece of land, GOLDEN GATE PROPERTIES offers options for you to explore now


If you feel a deep connection between your personal fortune and the progress of the India  you’re not the only one.

Many people express a sense of patriotism by focusing their investments in Indian Business, and farmland is a big part of this type of strategy. After all, there is a direct link between the vitality of a nation and the agriculture it raises. For more perspective on investing in farmland connect with GOLD GATE PROPERTIES

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