Women’s Impact on Real Estate

It wasn’t too long ago when a remark like “That’s a man’s job”was just accepted as the norm.

For the longest time, the choices we made in the work force were dictated not by an individual’s calibre but by their gender.

The past decade has witnessed a significant rise in women’s contribution to various sectors of the Indian economy. From biotechnology and space science technology to finance and entrepreneurship, women have stormed the traditional bastions of industries and have revolutionised the way business is done. Interestingly, women have also carved a niche for themselves in the real estate market, which has conventionally been a male-dominated industry.

“Women entering real estate for the first time need to know this business was made for them in both their unique abilities to solve problems and think creatively, as well as in the flexibility the work holds as they fulfil the other obligations in their lives,”

says- Ms AshwiniReddy, COO Golden Gate Properties, Hyderabad.

With a multi-faceted approach, compassion, assertiveness and qualities of empathy and persistence, women in real estate domains tend to bring a more balanced outlook into varied segments of the unorganised market. This is one of the major reasons why female potential is now being recognised across the Indian and the world’s real estate and construction sectors.

GoldenGate Properties,Hyderabad believes that while nature does play a role, great agents aren’t born that way. Successful agents develop and nurture both their natural abilities and other learned skills to progress and rise to the top-and women are exceptionally well-positioned to get there.

GoldenGate Properties,Hyderabad believes says about the current state of women in real estate, plus the best opportunities in real estate for women of the future.

In fact, according to theNationalAssociation of REALTORS® (NAR),women account for 64%of all realtors.

“Leading in solution-based conversations.”

And that’s never mattered more than it does today.

In many markets across India, the real estate landscape is challenging to say the least

The ability to listen deeply, and then move immediately to problem-solving is what makes many women in real estate so darn good at what they do. Women have an uncanny ability to connect, relate to their customers, and focus on finding a solution in away that builds lasting trust.

Restructuring Changes in Real Estate

Women in Indian real estate have made their mark in various capacities – as agents, developers, architects and marketing heads. One of the important aspects of the growing number of women in companies is owing to inclusive workplace culture. Where both, men and women have the environment to succeed.

Evolution in Real Estate

Women in leadership roles, who are flourishing now, are helping and motivating the younger, ambitious ones. With a potential dearth of skilled work force, the Operations, Sales and HR function plays a major role in attracting and retaining the right kind of talent for both men and women.

With the sector moving towards maturity and at a threshold of accelerated growth, we will continue to see more women taking on leadership roles in all segments of real estate investment.

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