First-Generation Entrepreneur

Dr. PV Siddharth has been honored with a Doctorate in psychology – The University of British Columbia. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Symbiosis International University – MBA and currently resides in Hyderabad, India.

For over 18 years, Dr. PV Siddharth has been a noteworthy leader and also credited with contributions to the Real Estate Industry in India and Abroad. Beginning his career as a young visionary, he quickly advanced to greater responsibilities across multiple roles by attaining a strong foundation in Real Estate acumen. He expanded into practical Reality trade skills by working with leading corporate giants. He has led an impressive career by holding incompatible leadership whereabouts in top Real Estate Organizations. Through continuous hard work and dedication towards professionalism, he has secured invaluable competence in multiple roles and sectors within the industry.

Dr. P V Siddharth’s pioneering initiative of GOLDEN GATE PROPERTIES has set standards and led many to follow a combination of our experience, dedication to professionalism, reliability, and exceptional service to the client’s most influencing personality over the Realty sector in Hyderabad today.

Golden Gate Properties is a full real estate advisory service company professionally acclaimed and known for meeting and exceeding customer satisfaction and expectations.

Dr. P V Siddharth aims to be the pillar of success and unparalleled in the Reality Industry.

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