Training In Product Knowledge The Whys, Whats, And How-Tos

When your customers are happy, there’s a greater chance they’ll continue to do business with you over the long term. But what exactly can you do to make them happy? In our world of overwhelming competition, with multiple companies running neck-and-neck with almost identical products, it is the perception of your company and its services that becomes crucial. That’s why it’s important that everyone in your company has enough knowledge and skills to make communication comfortable and wholesome for your clients. 

That becomes possible only when your employees are well trained and are truly experts on your product. And that’s when product knowledge training comes in.

What Does Product Knowledge Training Mean?

Product knowledge training is a learning program that includes all the information about your projects that learners need to know in order to perform their work effectively. Depending on the learners’ roles and responsibilities, product training can focus on different aspects, have different learning goals, and bring different benefits to your business. 

Let’s look closer at product knowledge and the ways it can contribute to your company’s success.

Why Is Product Knowledge Important?

When it comes to product training, we usually conjure up the training geared for the sales reps. There’s no doubt that knowing the product well is important for the sales department, but aside from sales staff, there are a lot of people inside and outside your company you need to train on your product to make your business thrive. 

Let’s list some benefits of product knowledge training. 

Building a team of productive enthusiasts

An employee who knows the product inside and out, and believes that it can bring great value to lots of customers and the world, on the whole, is not just a “desk jockey” from a sales, support, or marketing department, but a dedicated and inspired enthusiast. This type of staff member can form dedicated teams with great motivation and amazing results.

Gaining credibility and building long-lasting relations with customers

By the time prospects enter your territory (an office or online marketplace), they have probably looked through your website, read a number of reviews on your product, and consider themselves to be experts in your field. And they are not going to forgive your sales rep for being insecure about your product’s options, characteristics, and benefits.

Product training will help your sales team present your product convincingly, combat prospects’ objections, and gain their trust more easily.

Making your customers experts on your product

Giving your customers detailed information about your products will help you create a comfortable customer journey from the point where prospects choose your project to the final destination where they utilize and get the most out of it. 

To get a better understanding of how it works, get in touch with GOLDEN GATE PROPERTIES (Hyderabad).

Product Knowledge Training Objectives

Product knowledge training demonstrates your product’s features and benefits so that the trainees achieve greater results when they promote, sell, and use it.

To help each group get the most out of the product training, you will have to create different learning programs. 

Product training for sales reps

Objective: to train the sales team to present your product, overcome prospects’ objections, and close deals faster.

The more your salespersons know about the benefits and advantages of your product, the more professional and convincing their communication with prospects will be. 

Provide your sales reps with the following information:

  • The product: functionalities, advantages, and values for customers – in other words, how and why a prospect’s life or work will become easier, more effective, or joyful if he buys it.
  • Price and ROI: how to calculate the final price, compare it with the competitors’ offers, and convince the client that their benefits will go far beyond the price they pay. For the B2B market, your sales reps need to be able to calculate the ROI (return of investment) period of your product.
  • Customization. Your sales team has to know how the product can be adjusted according to the prospect’s specific needs. 
  • Upcoming updates. If your salesmen know about new products coming soon, they can use this in negotiations to handle a prospect’s objections and close deals 
  • The list of your existing clients and their success stories. The more recognizable names you have in that list, the easier it is for your prospect to trust you.

Product knowledge for all new hires

Objective: provide a basic understanding of the product, its value, and why it’s appreciated by users. 

It’s a good idea to include basic product knowledge training in your onboarding program for new hires of all departments, as this will help them understand the company they have joined and form their loyalty starting from their first days at work.

“Onboarding is the mechanism whereby new employees acquire the required knowledge, skills, and behaviours to become effective members of the organization.”

To Sum Up

Knowledge training is king. If planned and organized correctly, it can bring your business to a new level, make your employees more confident and effective in their tasks, and your customers happier and more satisfied. Why not take your first step towards this now? By getting in touch with GOLDEN GATE PROPERTIES (Hyderabad).

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